Re: CERT Advisory CA-97.25 - CGI_metachar

Andrew McNaughton (andrew@SQUIZ.CO.NZ)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 17:42:29 +1300

>Building on this philosophy, the Perl program we presented above could be
>thus sanitized to contain ONLY those characters allowed. For example:
> #!/usr/cert/bin/perl
> $_ = $user_data = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; # Get the data
> print "$user_data\n";
> $OK_CHARS='a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.@'; # A restrictive list, which
> # should be modified to match
> # an appropriate RFC, for example.
> eval "tr/[$OK_CHARS]/_/c";
> $user_data = $_;
> print "$user_data\n";
> exit(0);

OK, lets test that. Add a few lines like so...


for (0..255) {
$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .=chr($_);

$_ = $user_data = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; # Get the data
#print "$user_data\n";
$OK_CHARS='a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.@'; # A restrictive list, which
# should be modified to match
# an appropriate RFC, for example.
eval "tr/[$OK_CHARS]/_/c";
$user_data = $_;
print "$user_data\n";



Those square brackets look unintended and possibly useful

Andrew McNaughton

The effort to understand the universe is Andrew McNaughton
one of the very few things that lifts
human life above the level of farce,
and gives it some of the grace
of tragedy - Steven Weinberg