SSH/X11 vulnerability - pointer to draft

Sat, 20 Sep 1997 10:43:24 +0100

Hi there,

this one goes out to all of you who'd like to discuss a paper I wrote
recently. The paper is concerned with a vulnerability created by X and SSH
together. You find the draft at:

I might have introduced several spelling errors or may have used improper
terms. When reading, please assume a relaxed and indulgent attitude for I
am not a native english speaker. I therefore would be grateful if someone
could point out all those errors to me. Furthermore I am not at all sure
this vulnerability hasn't yet been discussed in this forum. I'm sorry if so
(especially I'm sorry for the time I invested when creating the paper :-).

To make a long story short I am interested in all feedback, especially of
technical nature, too. If you find statements in the paper which are
inaccurate or plainly false, please contact me at

I'd prefer draft feedback to go directly to my private email address. After
some days of feedback silence the paper will be released officially.

So long,
Ulrich Flegel