Re: request-route

Jeff Uphoff (juphoff@TARSIER.CV.NRAO.EDU)
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 11:04:03 -0400

"MS" == Mihai SANDU <mike@HADES.ROBOTIND.PUB.RO> writes:

MS> LOGFILE=/var/adm/debug;
MS> if [ -f $LOCK -o -L $LOCK ]
MS> then
MS> echo "request-route: Warning !! Lock file /tmp/request-route present!!" >> $LOGFILE
MS> # Uncomment the following line and comment the exit 1 if for some reasons
MS> # U want request-route to delete the lock and go on ..
MS> # rm -f $LOCK
MS> exit 1;
MS> fi

Obvious race condition.
