>Yes, it's a little extra work to strlen() all the variables you're pulling
>in, but you ensure that you have a large enough buffer, you eliminate the
>buffer overflow problem, and you don't truncate the string.
You have to be careful with this. Remember that a %.*s sprintf can use any
amount of buffer, depending on the size argument. Summing strlen's isn't
enough. I wrote a worst-cast scenario function to determine the maximum length
of output for a sprintf style request. It doesn't handle unicode or anything
fancy, but does handle most things reasonably well. I'm not saying it's 100%
foolproof (eg it makes assumptions that we're not on anything bigger than a
64bit system), but it's a start.
The idea is that you can use something like
l = flen("%*.*e %*c\n", 10, 5, 9.0, 20, 'x')
to compute a maximum bounds for 'l', to then either malloc or do error
reporting when using fixed sized buffers. I should add that I originally wrote
this for use in a non security oriented environment, but it strikes me as a
handy alternative to snprintf, which always struck me as an "error checking
too late" approach.
For the code, see the following two files:
Comments and bug reports are most welcome.
-- James Bonfield (jkb@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) Tel: 01223 402499 Fax: 01223 213556 Medical Research Council - Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, England. Also see Staden Package WWW site at http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pubseq/