Re: Solaris Ping bug (DoS)

Thu, 10 Jul 1997 12:39:49 -0400

On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Dalvenjah FoxFire wrote:

:I installed this patch on a Sparc 5 running Solaris 2.5 last night. Note
:that since it replaces kernel drivers (in /kernel/drv), not the ping
:binary itself, you need to reboot in order for the fix to take effect.

and since they're devices you'll need the reconfiguration reboot to
rebuild the /dev and /devices entries (generally a good idea when mucking
with any kernel drivers anyhow - methinks modload would probably fail
since /dev/ip and /dev/udp would prob be in use). The patch looks to
include replacements for ip arp udp icmp and ifconfig. i would hazard to
guess you're just doing a regular reboot and the panic is giving you the
reconfig reboot .. dunno, just a guess here .. for those unfamiliar with
the mystical incantation ..

for ye olde superstitious BSD'ers (gotta align the washing machine ..)
# touch /reconfigure;sync;sync;sync;reboot

from the ok prompt (init 0)
ok boot -r

or using the PROM with a Swedish keyboard
> b +r

ok 'nuff
"That's Unix Engineers .. not Eunuchs Engineers .."
"um .. somebody cancel the nurse .."

\reboot -l -- -rv