Correct. It is still possible to upload exploit code to the X server via
xrdb -merge as you suggest. When xterm grabs its resources off the X
server it parses them in the same way and hence is still vulnerable. I
can't see how any wrapper can prevent this.
e.g. try the following:
$ a='gerbil'
$ for b in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do a=$a$a; done
$ echo XTerm.$a: x > /tmp/test
$ xrdb -merge /tmp/test
$ xterm
xterm should then segmentation fault/core dump. There are probably a few
restrictions on what ASCII values can be in the exploit code, but
initial impressions suggest it would still be very easy to write an
exploit that didn't use them....YMMV.
-- David Hedley ( finger for PGP key Computer Graphics Group | University of Bristol | UK