Tests on an R4400 (Indigo) and an R4600 running 6.2 both were exploitable,
although another R4400 (Onyx) running 6.2 was not exploitable. Your
mileage may vary.
As David mentioned,
% file /bin/df
/bin/df: ELF 32-bit MSB mips-2 dynamic executable MIPS - version 1
is exploitable, while,
% file /bin/df
/bin/df: ELF N32 MSB mips-3 dynamic executable MIPS - version 1
is not.
-- Lamont Granquist <lamontg@hitl.washington.edu> (206)616-1469 fax:(206)543-5380 Human Interface Technology Lab. University of Washington. Seattle, WA PGP pubkey: finger lamontg@near.hitl.washington.edu