A error has been found on any system running MacOS and any
version of TrueBasic that includes the "unsave" command. The unsave
command is used to erase or delete any file on the Macintosh HD. What this
allows any user to do is erase ANY file even if behind security programs
such as "On Guard" and "At Ease".
! Begin Kiss Off v1.0 by Xservo <servo@garbage.bridge.net>
! NOTE: Replace "MacHD" with the name of your Macintosh Hard Disk
unsave "MacHD:System Folder:Control Panels:On Guard"
This program will erase On Guard from the Macintosh Hard Drive named
"MacHD". Such a exploit can also be acccomplished with the "OPEN" and
"ERASE" commands.
Xservo <servo@garbage.bridge.net> {*} http://garbage.bridge.net
KF4MKT <kf4mkt@n4hhp.#hwd.fl.ua.na> {*} Broward ARES & RACES Member
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