Re: OOB Bug stills persists after hot fix

Ervin Fried (ervin@NAME.NET)
Tue, 20 May 1997 12:36:38 -0400

We applied the OOB hotfix to 2 NT Server 4.0, SP2 machines

Then we tested it with the Perl version of nuke (, on a Win95 machine.

Result: blue screen, reboot needed.

Are there any success stories about OOB hotfix?

Maybe is something particular to our servers ...

Ervin Fried

At 10:11 AM 5/19/97 -0500, Dan Freise wrote:
>Matthew Dovey wrote:
>>, the Mac binary also listed
>> on that page appears to still be capable of downing an NT 4.0
> It does.
>> Does anyone know what is peculiar about the Mac implementation of the
> Oddly enough, there is nothing peculiar about the mac implementation.
>Upon compiling the mac source on two separate UNIX machines, the
>resulting binary fails to crash an NT box.
> The obvious conclusion is that Apple's Open Transport somehow sends a
>different packet than most other TCP/IP implementations.
> If I get the time to dig the packets apart, I'll post the results
>as well.
>Dan Freise ____
>A&S Computing Services \ /
>(817) 565-4498 \/