Re: SunOS exploit.

Jeff Uphoff (juphoff@TARSIER.CV.NRAO.EDU)
Mon, 19 May 1997 11:20:01 -0400

"TL" == Trevor Linton <blind@SEDATED.NET> writes:

TL> On sunos, if you execute a clean bash shell then type, export USER="root"
TL> then USER=$LOGNAME, then execute chsh root or chfn root you can change
TL> the root information.

TL> On the SunOS system i have [...]

What version(s) of SunOS?

I just tried this on an old 4.1.2 system I have and I could not
duplicate it.


Jeff Uphoff - Scientific Programming Analyst  |
National Radio Astronomy Observatory          |
Charlottesville, VA, USA                      |
        PGP key available at: