Teaching Pure LP with Prolog and a Fair Search Rule
Table of Contents
The vision is easy to convey at first
The vision is easy to convey at first
Non-termination rears its ugly head
Non-termination rears its ugly head
Key point: it is a bit early to face non-termination!
Tabling to the (partial) rescue
Tabling to the (partial) rescue
More complex cases
More complex cases
Fairness to the (partial) rescue
Fairness to the (partial) rescue
Other benefits of the fair search rules
Other benefits of the fair search rules
Other benefits of the fair search rules
Other benefits of the fair search rules
Other benefits of the fair search rules
Fair search rules are great, but they cannot do the impossible
Characterization of the search tree
Depth-First Search
Breadth-First Search
From specifications to efficient programs
From Specifications to Efficient Programs
Depth-first / Breadth-first / Iterative Deepening
Some comments on Peano arithmetic
Final remarks
Derivative (and Integrals!)
Recursive Programming: Automata (Graphs)
Recursive Programming: Automata (Graphs) (Contd.)
Recursive Programming: Towers of Hanoi
Recursive Programming: Towers of Hanoi (Contd.)
Recursive Programming: Towers of Hanoi (Contd.)
Recursive Programming: Arithmetic/Functions
Recursive Programming: Arithmetic/Functions (Functional Syntax)
Recursive Programming: Arithmetic/Functions (Funct. Syntax, Contd.)
On system types
Table of Contents