I would like to know if
it is a recommendation to use anticoagulation
Yes, I found that
it is a recommendation to use anticoagulation
it is a recommendation to use anticoagulation, because
the patient is in ACCF stage C, and
the patient is diagnosed with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, because
there is a measurement of lvef of 0.35.
the patient is/has cardioembolic_stroke_risk_factor, because
the patient is diagnosed with diabetes.
the patient is diagnosed with atrial_fibrillation, and
there is no evidence that there is a danger in taking anticoagulation, because
the patient is diagnosed with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, justified above, and
there is no evidence that the patient is/has cardioembolic_source, and
the patient is diagnosed with atrial_fibrillation, justified above.
The global constraints hold, because
the global constraint number 1 holds.