Practical Development of Internet Prolog Applications
using a Java Front End
R. El-Beltagy, Mahmoud
Rafea, & Ahmed
Central Lab for
Agricultural Expert Systems
Agricultural Research Center
Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.
Cairo, Egypt
El-Nour St. Dokki 12311,Giza Egypt
{samhaa, mahmoud, rafea}
Abstract: This paper
introduces a general architecture that could be employed to many prolog
applications to make them available on the Internet. The approach
presented makes use of client-server architecture where the client is a
relatively intelligent front end wriiten in Java, and the server is the
prolog based application. Two applications developed using this architecture:
an intelligent image retrieval application, and a toy expert systems, are
Keywords: Prolog, Java, Client-server architectures,
Hierarchical Classification, Expert Systems, Internet applications.
The widespread use of the Internet and the World Wide Web has motivated
much work with the aim of providing interactive applications on the
Internet. Sun’s Java[Java97],
plug-ins [BuPlg97], and Microsoft’s
are perhaps the most famous of these endeavors. In order to support
this new technology, Internet browsers, and tools have undergone
numerous evolutions. These advances have made the Internet
a very suitable medium for providing sophisticated services including
those of logic based nature. Traditionally, one of the of the
problems faced by such applications, was that the languages in which
they are usually developed (logic programming languages) was not directly
supported on the Internet. Although, this lack of support has deprived
Internet users from using applications that use extensive reasoning facilities
which are most naturally supported by these languages, various
work arounds that make use of the emerging technology are currently being
The use of Netscape Plug-ins is one of these alternatives. However,
through our experience in devising a prolog
plug-in[SiNP97] we have identified several
disadvantages associated with such an approach. Plug-ins can only
support light weight applications, they are platform specific, and a user
must download the plugin and install it before using it. Other approaches
propose the use of scripting languages with HTML[3].
While this approach might be effective, it is complex, consumes resources,
and cannot be reused without changes to support another application.
This paper introduces an approach that takes advantage of the current
technology through the use of Java, to bring the power of prolog-based
applications to the Internet. The approach adopted follows a client/server
architecture where the client is a front end with reasonable intelligent
qualities and the server is the prolog based application. Java has been
chosen for the implementation of the front end for a number of
reasons which are described briefly in the following points:
it is platform independent
it allows the easy implementation of effective GUIs,
its a safe language (no pointers, and scripts are tagged)
it supports socket based communication which is the basis of
communication in this paper
and most important of all, it is Internet ready (applets are
already the de-facto standard for executable content on the Web)
The first part of this paper introduces the application architecture devised
to support this work. An intelligent image retrieval application, and a
toy expert system, which have been developed using this approach, are then
Application Architecture
In the approach presented in this paper, the application consists of a
mobile client component, a static server component, and two communication
components: one for the client and one for the server. The communication
between the client and the server is based on TCP/IP sockets where
exchange of ASCII based string messages is facilitated. The content of
the messages is dependent on an application defined protocol supported
by the socket components. Figure 1, depicts the relationship between the
different application components.
Figure 1: Relationship between the application components
The client side represents the application front end is entirely
written in Java and is comprised of a number of components. At the heart
of the client side is the interface communication model which
is used for intelligent data collection. The server side, represents
the problem-solving/application-code, and the knowledge-base/data components
and is entirely written in prolog.
The underlying assumption behind this work is that many applications could
be separated into two parts: an application component and an
interface or a front end component. However, this work acknowledges the
fact application separation is not usually a straight forward
task since the control of the interface is usually managed
by the application itself. For instance, in many expert systems,
the questions to be asked are determined by answers to previously asked
questions. In this case several solutions are possible. The first
and the simplest of these, is devising an application specific interface
where the user is presented with all possible inputs. Needless to
say, this approach will not meet the needs of any reasonably large application,
and in addition, will confuse the user. Another approach, is to keep
control embedded within the server application. In that case, the
client will be used to present the user with an input request upon receiving
such a request from the server. While this approach might seem reasonable,
it suffers from major limitations. First, it relies on heavy communication
between the server application and the client front end, so the user may
have to wait for prolonged periods depending on the network traffic and
band width. Another limitation, is that it engages the server in one connection
for an indefinite amount of time, making it impossible for other
users to make use of that same server. Although time-out operations could
be implemented to avoid indefinite postponement, the server will
still be not fully utilized. If however, the interface component employed
a communication model that had just enough knowledge about which inputs
it should ask about and in which cases, then the client could use this
knowledge to collect all needed inputs in an intelligent fashion, then
batch send them to the server for processing. In this case the connection
between the client and the server will only be open for the period of sending
the inputs, processing them at the server and receiving the output. For
most practical applications, this period is usually reasonably short. Meantime,
if other clients need to service a request, the request will be placed
in a wait queue where the waiting time will be short enough to make
that wait transparent. However, care must be taken in the selection of
the queue size. Otherwise, if the number of the clients for the application
grows, then wait times might also grow to unsatisfactory figures.
In order to bring this concept into existence, we have implemented an intelligent
client side communication model which is describe in
detail in the next section.
Client side Components
The client side is composed of a communication model, a socket interface,
and employs components from implemented reusable libraries.
The Communication Model
The implemented communication model employs a similar, though not
identical, strategy to that employed by Hierarchical
classification problem solvers. Hierarchical classification(HC) is a problem
solving method identified by Chandrasekran for solving diagnostic
types of problems as part of his Generic Task approach to expert system
development. In HC, knowledge is represented as hypotheses hierarchically
organized in a tree structure such that general hypothesis are always above
more specific ones in the tree. Using a control strategy known as establish
and refine, hypothesis are explored top down. If a hypothesis at
the top level succeeds (establishes), its immediate descendants
are required to establish themselves
one by one. This process of attempting to establish the descendants is
referred to as "refining" the parent hypothesis. If, on the other hand,
a hypothesis fails, then it is said to be ruled out and so are all the
hypothesis beneath it in the tree[1]. In our
model, knowledge components for which input is desired, are also organized
in a hierarchical fashion. The main difference however, is that no
actual problem solving takes place. The evaluation of the tree nodes in
this case, only serves to intelligently deduce the next observations for
which to ask the user. The process of building this hierarchy is
a fairly simple one given that dependencies and relations between data
input items, are known.
Re-Usable Libraries
In order to generalize development using this approach, a library
that supports hierarchical classification was implemented in Java.
In this library a HC engine, node definitions and operations
were supplied. In order to build specific applications, the user
only has to extend the HC class, and define nodes in which variables
are object instances declared using another reusable Interface
The interface library was built so as to include a set of reusable
interface components where all error handling and presentation details
are concealed from the user. Implemented types include support for
Boolean, single selection lists, multiple selection lists, strings, integer,
real, and date variables. The library is very generic and is extensible.
Using this library all a programmer has to do is to declare a variable
object using any of these classes. When a value is needed, a simple
method getValue() is invoked upon that object, a dialog requesting the
value of that variable is presented to the user and later returned to the
The client socket component
The client socket in conjunction with the server socket, acts as
a communication interface between the Java client front end, and the prolog-based
application. The client socket is implemented as a reusable Java
time the client front end needs to communicate with the prolog application,
it creates an instance of this component giving it both the host name of
the prolog application and the host number on which the server socket
resides. Since the front end is usually implemented as a Java applet, for
the purpose of generality, host information is usually passed to it
as parameters from its initiating HTML page.
The client socket provides two primary methods to handle I/O between the
client and the server. The first of these (void out(String outString))
is a method for writing a string on the TCP stream connection between
the client and the server, while the second (String in()) is a method for
reading from that same stream. Using these two simple methods, sufficient
bases for communication between the client and the server, are established.
public ClientSocket(String host, int port) {
try {
m_Socket = new Socket(host, port);
m_os =new PrintStream(m_Socket.getOutputStream()); //get output stream
m_is =new DataInputStream(m_Socket.getInputStream());//get input stream
catch (UnknownHostException e) {
System.err.println("Don't know about host: " + host);
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: " + host);
Figure 3: Code responsible for socket creation and initiation
Server Side Components
The server side consists of an application component which
itself could be composed of a number of components, and a server
socket. .
The server socket component
This component is simple. It is linked with the server application
code. The server application is responsible for its initialization. Its
functions are:
Creating a socket and binding it to a specific port number.
Creating a backlog queue of a particular length.
Opening and closing a client stream.
Reading from and writing to the client stream.
Managing the clients in the queue sequentially on the basis of first
come first served.
The service is achieved by passing Prolog terms sent by the client
to the server application through a call to the procedureapplication_handle/2.
Consequently, the server application must define the procedure application_handle/2
so that it never fails and returns with the term that will be sent to the
client. The server socket component code is shown in figure 4.
It should be remarked that the success of this architecture depends on
the efficiency of the server application performance. The shorter the time
needed to process the client request, the better the behavior of the application
on the Internet.
Image search application
The objective behind the development of this application is two fold.
The first is to aid a remote Internet client in searching for the images
that best matches his input observations[CuIS97].
The second is to cooperate with an expert system explanation agent .
As described by our general architecture, the application is composed of
two parts: a static server component and a client component. Figure 5 shows
a simplified diagram of interactions between the application components.
The static server component
The static server application was implemented using SICStus prolog[2].
It, consists of a reusable search engine, and a domain specific
image database mapping observations to images (figure 5). The
input to the search engine is a list of observations and the output is
a list of image-file structures. Each image-file structure consists of
a file name and the actual observations associated with the image in the
file. The database is constructed though the use of two predicates: finding/4
and image/2.
The database predicates take the following pattern:
finding(attribute, value, op, key).
image(key, file)
The input list defined by the aaplication protocol takes the following
[attribute1 op value1, attribute2 op value2, ....]
where <op> is among = , > , < , >= , or
The output is a string of the following form:
where <attribute><op><value>, ... are those belonging to the image.
start_server(Port, QueueLength) :-
socket('AF_INET', Socket),
socket_bind(Socket, 'AF_INET'(localhost, Port)),
socket_listen(Socket, QueueLength),
loop(Socket) :-
socket_accept(Socket, Client, Stream),
on_exception(RE, get_request(Stream, Request), h1(Stream,Client,RE)),
on_exception(PE, process(Request, Stream, Client), h1(Stream, Client, PE)),
get_request(Stream, Request):-
read(Stream, Request).
process(bye, Stream, _Client) :-
process(Request, Stream, Client) :-
on_exception(E, user:application_handle(Request,Result), h2(Stream, no, E)),
on_exception(RE, get_request(Stream, Request1), h1(Stream,Client,RE)),
on_exception(PE, process(Request1, Stream, Client), h1(Stream, Client, PE)).
return(Stream,Result) :-
nonvar(Result), !,
format(Stream, "~w~n", [Result]),
return(_, _).
h1(Stream, C, E) :-
format(Stream, "error~n",[]),
format(user_output, "Client: ~w~nError: ~w",[C, E]).
h2(Stream, Ack, E) :-
format(Stream, "~w~n",[Ack]),
format(user_output, "Application Error: ~w~n",[E]).
Figure 4: Prolog code of the server socket component
Figure 5: A simplified diagram of the image fetching process.
get_image(List, Output) :-
check_syntax(List), !,
findall(File, (list_to_key(List, Fs), image_file(Fs, File)), Files1),
( Files1 = [] ->
( list_to_key(List, Fs) ->
length(Fs, Len), % Collect all subsets
findall(I-SubL,(sublist(SubL, Fs), length(SubL, SLen),
SLen > 0, SLen < Len, I is 1000 // SLen), SubLs),
( SubLs = [] -> % Singlton and fail to get an image
Output = 'e:No image file found'
; keysort(SubLs, SubLs1), % try maximum
SubLs1 = [I-SubFs|Rest], % get first subset
best_image_file(Rest,I,SubFs,[], Files2),
( Files2 = [] -> Output = 'e:No image file found'
; format_output(Files2, Output)
;Output='e:Some input observation(s) is/are not defined'
; format_output(Files1, Output)
get_image(_List, O) :-
O='e:The input is not a valid list ([a op v,...] or op is not defined.)'.
best_image_file([], _, SubFs, Files1, Files) :- % Handle input of two observations
findall(File, image_file(SubFs, File), Files2),
(Files2 \== [] -> append(Files2, Files1, Files) ; Files = Files1).
best_image_file([I-Fs|Rest], I1, SubFs, Files1, Files) :- % Collect same weight images
findall(File, image_file(SubFs, File), Files2), Files2 \== [], !,
append(Files2, Files1, Files3),
(I = I1 -> best_image_file(Rest, I, Fs, Files3, Files) ; Files = Files3).
best_image_file([I-Fs|Rest], I1, _, Files1, Files) :- % Keep on looping
( Files1 = [] -> best_image_file(Rest, I, Fs, Files1, Files)
; I = I1 -> best_image_file(Rest, I, Fs, Files1, Files)
; Files = Files1
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
Figure 6: The Core of Prolog Image search engine
The client component
The client component is composed of an applet which includes a set of observations,
a HC component where the observations are distributed over nodes,
a parser, and a simple GUI. Upon opening the page that contains the
applet, the applet is downloaded and the control interface
appears. Using this GUI, a user may initiate an image search. A series
of question dialogs then start to appear. The ordering of the appearance
of the dialogs is controlled by the answers of the user to the presented
questions through the HC component. This process, constitutes the
data collection phase. After this phase is completed, a string representing
the aggregate of the inputs is prepared and passed to a new
instance of the client socket which establishes a link with the server
and uses it to send the string to the prolog search engine residing on
the server. After the search engine has processed the input, the client
socket reads the output which represents the file names with observations
that best match the user’s inputs, and the exact observations associated
with each, and passes it to the applet. The client socket then terminates
its connection with the server and dies. The client processes the output
through the parser, and then presents a list of all image names to the
user in a list. Upon selecting an image to view, the client fetches the
file using the URL passed to it by the server, and uses the observations
requested by the user and the actual observations associated
with the image to determine matching and mismatching features. The
image is then presented to the user along with the match information.
Expert system application
This application is a toy expert system for diagnosing car faults[CaES97].
The server application is built in SICStus Prolog[2].
It consists of the application knowledge base and a library of general
problem solving methods . The details of the problem solving library
are out of scope of this article. Actual expert systems that have already
been developed at the Central laboratory for agricultural expert
systems are currently being ported to the proposed architecture.
In the car fault application, the knowledge base consists of nodes for
a hierarchical classification generic task and a global database object.
The latter represents a blackboard which is used by the reasoning task.
The nodes are depicted in figure 7.
Figure 7: Nodes of HC for the car fault expert system
The input the to the expert system is a set of observations and the output
is the diagnosis and advice. Inputs to the expert system are collected
via client applet and sent to the server application in a similar fashion
to that of the image application. However, the applet GUI different
than that of the image search applet in that it provides a text box where
the diagnosis and advice of the expert system appear.
Conclusion and future work
Through the architecture introduced in this paper, many applications
developed in prolog could be easily ported to the Internet.
The prolog socket component and the Java libraries are reusable without
any modification. An application builder only needs to define relations
between data input items using the communication model presented and adapt
the prolog application for batch interaction with the client component.
The implementation of work presented here could be greatly simplified through
development automation. For that purpose, a number of tools have been implemented
to support this work and its consistency across the client and server components.
However, discussion of these tools, is beyond the scope
of this paper.
Future work will focus on enhancing the image tool by using
a static databases to replace the prolog database. It
will also implement protocol standardization through support of KQML
based message exchange. A number of existing prolog based expert systems
are currently being ported to this architecture.
El-Beltagy, S., Rafea, A. Kamel, A., Sticklen,
J., Schulthess, U., Ward, R. (1995). "An Expert System For Wheat Disorders
Diagnosis And Treatment Using A Hierarchical Classification Problem Solver".
2ND IFAC/IFIP/EurAgEng Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture,
Wageningen, Netherlands, Pergamon.
SICS Programming Systems Group. SICStus Prolog User's
Manual. Swedish Institute of Computer Science,
June 1995.
Szeredi, P., Molnár, K., Scott R. "Serving
Multiple HTML Clients from a Prolog Application", Proceedings of the 1st
Workshop on Logic Programming Tools for INTERNET Applications , Bonn, Germany,
Internet References
[BuPlg97] Building a Plug-in from the ground
[CaES97] Car Fault Expert System
[CuIS97] Cuptex Image Server
[Java97] The Java home page.
[SiNP97] SICStus Prolog Netscape Plugin