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- By ``LP/CLP'' systems we mean: Quintus / LPA / SICStus /
IF-Prolog / Eclipse / BinProlog / PrologIV / CHIP / ...
- We also refer to CIAO - the UPM Concurrent CLP system:
- Built as an extension of ISO-Prolog.
- Platform for designing
- useful extensions of LP and CLP towards concurrency,
higher-order, distribution, ...
- advanced compilation and debugging technology.
- Libraries also built to provide (as much as possible of) this
functionality on standard LP/CLP systems.
- E.g., answers the question of what really needs to be added
to/changed in current systems.
- CIAO Libraries (freely available, and in different stages of
development) include:
- PiLLoW: WWW/HTML interface.
- prolog_shell: Prolog shell scripts
- Distribution (blackboards, concurrency, agents, ...)
- PLAI: Global analysis (including type checking/inferencing)
- APC: Global optimization (including parallelization)
Last updated on Mon Mar 31 20:49:44 MET DST 1997