Conference Topics
Papers from both academia and industry are
Preference will be given to the analysis and description of implemented
systems (or currently under implementation) and their associated techniques,
problems found in their development or design, and steps taken towards
the solution of these problems.
Topics include, but are not
limited to:
- standard and non-standard sequential implementation schemes
(e.g., generalization/modification of WAM, translation to C, etc.);
- implementation of parallel logic programming systems;
- balance between compile-time effort and run-time machinery;
- techniques for the implementation of different declarative
programming paradigms based on, or extending, logic programming (e.g.,
constraint logic programming, concurrent constraint languages, equational-logic
- performance evaluation of sequential and parallel logic
programming systems, both through benchmarking and using real world applications;
- other implementation-related issues, such as memory
management, register allocation, use of global optimizations, etc.