08:00-09:00 - LOPSTR/PPDP/SAS Registration
08:45-09:00 - Welcome to LOPSTR 2016
09:00-10:00 - Invited talk
(jointly with PPDP)
(Chair: James
Coffee Break - 10:00-10:30
10:30-12:00 - Program transformation
(Chair: Jérôme Feret)
Partial Evaluation of Order-sorted Equational Programs modulo Axioms.
María Alpuente, Angel Cuenca, Santiago Escobar, and Jose Meseguer.
A Formal, Resource Consumption-Preserving Translation of Actors to Haskell.
Elvira Albert, Nikolaos Bezirgiannis, Frank De Boer, and Enrique Martin-Martin.
Verification of Time-Aware Business Processes using Constrained Horn Clauses.
Emanuele De Angelis, Fabio Fioravanti, Maria Chiara Meo, Alberto Pettorossi, and Maurizio Proietti.
Lunch Break - 12:00-13:30
13:30-14:30 - Constraint programming
(Chair: Manuel
MiniZinc with Strings.
Roberto Amadini, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Joseph D. Scott, Peter J. Stuckey, and Guido Tack.
Slicing Concurrent Constraint Programs.
Moreno Falaschi, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Carlos Olarte, and Catuscia Palamidessi.
Excursion and PPDP/LOPSTR Dinner (Royal College of Surgeons)
08:00-09:00 - LOPSTR/PPDP/SAS Registration
09:00-10:00 - Invited talk
(jointly with PPDP)
(Chair: Pedro
Coffee Break - 10:00-10:30
10:30-12:00 - Compilation and optimization
(Chair: Moreno
A New Functional-Logic Compiler for Curry: Sprite.
Sergio Antoy and Andy Jost.
lpopt: A Rule Optimization Tool for Answer Set Programming.
Manuel Bichler, Michael Morak, and Stefan Woltran.
Tuning Fuzzy Logic Programs with Symbolic Execution.
Ginés Moreno, Jaime Penabad, and Germán Vidal.
Lunch Break - 12:00-13:30
13:30-15:00 - Analysis and verification
(Chair: Jorge
A. Navas)
Hierarchical Shape Abstraction of Free-List Memory Allocators.
Bin Fang and Mihaela Sighireanu.
A Productivity Checker for Logic Programming.
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Patricia Johann and Martin Schmidt.
Symbolic Abstract Contract Synthesis in a Rewriting Framework.
María Alpuente, Daniel Pardo, and Alicia Villanueva.
Coffee Break - 15:00-15:30
15:30-17:00 - Testing
(Chair: Patricia
On the Completeness of Selective Unification in Concolic Testing of Logic Programs.
Fred Mesnard, Etienne Payet, and Germán Vidal.
CurryCheck: Checking Properties of Curry Programs.
Michael Hanus.
A Hiking Trip Through the Orders of Magnitude: Deriving Efficient
Generators for Closed Simply-Typed Lambda Terms and Normal Forms (best paper award).
Paul Tarau.
08:00-09:00 - LOPSTR/SAS Registration
09:00-10:00 - Invited talk
(jointly with SAS)
(Chair: Manuel
Vechev, ETH Zurich,
Learning from Programs: Probabilistic Models, Program Analysis and Synthesis.
Coffee Break - 10:00-10:30
10:30-12:00 - Semantics and model checking
(Chair: Maurizio
Towards Reversible Computation in Erlang.
Naoki Nishida, Adrián Palacios, and Germán Vidal.
Scaling Bounded Model Checking By Transforming Programs With Arrays.
Anushri Jana, Uday Khedker, Advaita Datar, R Venkatesh, and C. Niyas
Intuitionistic Logic Programming for SQL.
Fernando Sáenz-Pérez.
Lunch Break - 12:00-13:30
13:30-15:00 - Types, unification, and logic
(Chair: Paul Tarau)
Coinductive Soundness of Corecursive Type Class Resolution.
Frantisek Farka, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Kevin Hammond, and Peng Fu.
Nominal Unification of Higher Order Expressions with Recursive Let.
Manfred Schmidt-Schauss, Temur Kutsia, Jordi Levy, and Mateu Villaret.
Automata Theory Approach to Predicate Intuitionistic Logic.
Maciej Zielenkiewicz and Aleksy Schubert.