SUMMARY2: *URGENT Machine down

Charles Gagnon (charles@Grafnetix.COM)
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 17:50:23 -0400 (EDT)

Someone asked me to include the original question so I figured others might be
interesdted too.

Original Summary:

> Seems like the NVRAM content was scrambled some how.
> Doing a "set-defaults" at the OK> prompt restored the content. All I had to do
> after is reset the time and the machine seems to be runing as before.
> Thanks a lot everyone.
> Special thanks to:
> Kevin Tse
> Tom Mornini
> "Anchises M. G. de P
> Benjamin Cline
> ...for their quick response.

Original question follows ...

> Hello everyone,
> I need your incedible expertise to help me diagnose a problem.
> Here's a description:
> Machine:
> --------
> Sparc 4, w/ 32MB memory, ROM rev 2.24, Os=SunOS 5.4
> Problem:
> --------
> At boot-up, I get an error message, even before the banner.
> Incorrect Configuration Checksum
> Setting NVRAM parameters to default values
> Setting Diag-switch? NVRAM parameter to true
> then it probe the SCSI bus and I get the Ok> prompt. It doesn't go along with
> the boot process.
> I did a couple of printenv to try to find the problem. I noticed that I get a
> weird value in security-#badlogins. Here's a extract of the printenv":
> security-mode none
> security-password
> security-#badlogins 205287023
> oem-logo no defau... ( note it's not <no default>)
> oem-logo? false
> I figured security-#badlogins and oem-logo had incorrect values so I tried to
> change them. To tests with security-#badlogins:
> OK> setenv security-#badlogins 0
> security-#badlogins=205287023Data Access Exception
> OK> setenv security-#badlogins 1
> security-#badlogins=205287023Memory Address not aligned
> It's consistant with my problem too. When I finally manage to boot the
> machine, after 3-4 retries, nobody can login the machine besides root. They
> get a "change the password" message wich I figured was related to the content
> of the EEPROM.
> My Diagnostic:
> --------------
> The PROM fried for some obscure reason and I need to get it replaced. If you
> think I'm wrong, please let me know.
> All input will be greatly appreciated. I *need* this machine back online.

Charles Gagnon                      | My views are my views and they
Systems Engineer                    | do not represent those of anybody
Charles@Grafnetix.COM               | but me.
http://www.Grafnetix.COM/~charles/  |

Why don't we just have a stupidity tax? Just tax the stupid people!