Dump Summary

Lisa Yost (yostl@lanl.gov)
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 09:05:03 -0600 (MDT)

I LOVE THIS, IT IS SO COOL!!! I can't believe how many responded to
my message. I obviously am the only sys adm on the planet who
didn't know this, so my summary will be very brief. I can not begin
to name all the folks who helped but thanks to all of you.

The answer is to simply use the no rewind function of dump, which
is the letter n in front of the device name. Multiple file
systems can then be put onto one tape. Many helpful scripts and
examples were provided.

One very clever sys adm said "There is no such thing as a dump question".

Life is good once again and thanks to all.


Lisa Yost
System Administrator
Los Alamos National Laboratory
667-8912 (office)
995-5335 (pager)

"Just another pane in the glass"