SUMMARY: Solstice Backup Network Edition

Hiroko Miyamoto (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 10:36:58 -0500 (EST)

Thanks to:

Matthew Stier <>
Tom Powers <>
Stefan Rauthenberg <rauthenberg@HHI.DE>

Original post:

I have just started using Solstice Backup Network Edition (4.2.2) for
several clients (running Solaris 2.4/2.5). I would like to know how
people recover files on clients where there are many users, in case of
disk crash, as Backup does not seem to work on the single-user mode on
clients. I read the manuals, answerbook, looked at Backup FAQ on Sun site
and called Sun Services, but they did not explain this kind of situations
well. I am thinking to disable telnet/ftp, etc. by modifying the
/etc/inet/inetd.conf and restarting the inetd daemon, while recovering,
but if you have any suggestions or experiences that you can share, I
would really appreciate them.


1. Create /etc/nologin (if Solaris 2.5). The text in the file will be
displayed and no users can log in (but they can ftp to the system.)

2. Disable telnet/rlogin/rsh in /etc/inet/inetd.conf. No need to stop
and restart inetd. Simply send it a -HUP signal. (ftp or other
access can be disabled as well).

Thank you again for your suggestions,

Hiroko Miyamoto
UNIX Systems Manager
Academic Computing Services
Hunter College