Thu, 03 Apr 1997 15:07:50 -0500

Thanks to all who responded, your help is GREATLY appreciated.

Original Question:

Does anyone know if the SPARC C Compiler 4.0 supports embedded SQL? We
have a need to write some C programs for our Oracle 7.1.6 RDBMS
which will contain embedded SQL, and I wanted to ensure that the Sun
compiler supports embedded SQL before I purchase it.
Thanks for any info....


The SPARCCompiler doesn't directly deal with embedded SQL, however,
using Oracle PRO-C should precompile the embedded SQL into a form that
the SPARCCompiler can handle.

Thanks to these folks:
Peter Schauss
Ray Trzaska
Trevor Paquette
Nabil Osorio
Alfredo Sola
Bruce Feist

If I mistakenly left out your name, I apologize.