SUMMARY: fsck 3-part SCSI HD on SPARC

Law Hon Man (
Fri, 28 Mar 1997 17:44:26 +0800 (HKT)

Hi Sun Managers, thanks for all your prompt replies. Actually
the disk type of our Seagate ST-34371N is

disk_type = "SEAGATE ST34371N" \
: ctlr = SCSI : fmt_time = 9 \
: trks_zone = 80 : atrks = 0 : asect = 80 \
: ncyl = 5147 : acyl = 2 : pcyl = 5168 : nhead = 10 : nsect = 165 \
: rpm = 7228 : bpt = 97020

The info provided by 'scsiinfo -f' is a little bit confused as
seen in my original mail.

The difference detween fsck block device (/dev/dsk/..) and raw device
(/dev/rdsk/..) is that fsck doesn't support file systems larger
than 2GB. So when I fsck the block device of a file system > 2GB,
it cannot find the last superblock backup at the very first.
The SUN HD I tested that can be fsck through the block device
name is < 2GB. Anyway, one should fsck raw device instead
of block device.

Thanks to all those that responded:

Jason Keltz <>
bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Bismark Espinoza)
"Matthew Stier" <>
Kevin Tse <ktse@NVidia.COM>
Barry Brown <>
Margaret Shinkle <>
Casper Dik <casper@holland.Sun.COM>

My original mail:
> Hi Sun Managers, we have a Seagate ST-34371N 4GB HD connected
> to a SS20 and use the auto detected disk type as follows:
> scsiinfo-551 -f /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2
> Vendor: SEAGATE
> Model: ST34371N
> Formatted Capacity: 8496960 sectors (4.25 GB)
> Sector size: 512 bytes
> Physical Cylinders: 5168
> Heads: 10
> Sectors per track (Avg.): 165
> Tracks per zone: 80
> Tracks per zone: 80
> Alternate Sectors per zone: 80
> Alternate Tracks per volume: 0
> Rotational speed: 7228 rpm
> We found that althrough we can fsck the raw devices such
> as /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 without any problem. But when I check
> the device itself as
> fsck /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2
> ** /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2
> CANNOT SEEK: BLK 8474608
> where block 8474608 is the last super block backup. I want to
> know if I can really use all the sectors in the drive?
> BTW, I can fsck the device /dev/dsk/... when the disk is
> a SUN HD. So what the different between SUN HD and other SCSI HD.


Law Hon Man
Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong