SUMMARY: Assembler code for SPARC arch.

James Kwong (
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 16:06:48 -0500

Sun Managers,

Original Question:

> Are there any good examples/sources/books on teaching you
> how to write assembler code for a SPARC architecture machine?
> I found a book called "SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual"
> by Sunexpress. But before I buy that, I want to see if there's
> any on-line examples/src available.

Thanks to :

Dave <>
Chris Drake <Chris.Drake@Corp.Sun.COM>
John Shifter <>

They all suggested the following book:

SPARC Architecture, Assembly Language Programming & C,
Richard P. Paul
Prentice Hall
JUN 1993
ISBN 0-13-876889-7

Thanks again.
-- James.

| Unix System Administrator | James Kwong |
| Nova Southeastern University | |
| 3301 College Avenue | 954-262-4906 |
| Ft. Lauderdale FL 33314 | |