Eudora Pro/IE bugs

Mike Zimmerman (mike@MOON2.WEB2000.NET)
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 01:04:51 -0500

In reference to the browser code bugs being posted, it should be noted
that Eudora Pro 4.x(and possibly other versions, don't know the
development cycle), which uses IE 3.x or 4.x to view emails with embedded
HTML, is vulnerable to any hangs or crashes associated with those

EXPLOIT: Simply send an email containing any of the posted exploits
directly in the body of the message to the victim.

FIX: In the Tools Menu under options, uncheck "Use Microsoft's viewer" in
the Viewing Mail section.

(Thanks to all of you who post your exploit code directly in your messages
and crashing my Eudora for finding this. :P)

Mike Zimmerman