FW: mysql: Trivial mSQL/MySQL DoS method? (fwd)

Michael Widenius (monty@MONTY.PP.SCI.FI)
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 23:41:43 +0200

Hi all,

Just FYI, here is what was posted to the MySQL list from the MySQL
author regarding the DoS attack.


-----FW: <199803262141.XAA10491@monty.pp.sci.fi>-----

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 23:41:43 +0200
Sender: owner-mysql@analytikerna.se
From: Michael Widenius <monty@monty.pp.sci.fi>
To: "Joel B. Stalder" <joel@uptimecomputers.com>
Subject: mysql: Trivial mSQL/MySQL DoS method? (fwd)
Cc: mysql@tcx.se

This never was fatal (only VERY annoying) for MySQL 3.20 ! MySQL has
a timeout of 30 seconds for each read from the client. This means
that the 'hang' only lasts 30 seconds for MySQL.
MySQL 3.21.26 and below has the same problem.

>From the changelog of 3.21.27 (I am compiling a distribution just now):

* Changed connect timeout to 3 seconds to make it somewhat harder
for crackers to kill mysqld trough telnet + TCP/IP.


< original fwd by Joel B. Stalder removed >