Re: Security flaws in Yahoo Mail

Andrew Brown (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 23:34:39 -0400

>I'm not particularily thrilled with Hotmail's setup either. I am sure
>this must have been discussed before, but can't recall it so...
>From what I can tell, it authenticates you based on the URL you ask
>for (some user information is embedded in it; not the password though)
>and the IP address you are coming from. I'm assuming there is some
>timeout on the IP address; hmm... looking further, perhaps not. It may
>just keep the last used one.

heh heh. i think this just "happened" to my web server. i amuse
myself by reading the logs and wondering about most of the hits and
referrals. then this one struck me:

i found it amusing. so i dug a little deeper and concluded that it
was this hit in my access log. - - [12/Oct/1997:23:29:43 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 1717

now then, maps to (i have no
idea why it didn't two nights ago when my web server tried to look it
up), and is an address for

anyway, when i tried to access the url from the referers log, i got a
page that said:

We're Sorry, We Cannot
Process Your Request

Reason: Intrusion Logged. Access denied.

so apparently i'm an "intruder". ooh! i'm scared!

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| (TheMan)        * "ah!  i see you have the internet                               that goes *ping*!"      * "information is power -- share the wealth."