Re: L0pht Advisory: IMAP4rev1 imapd server

Marc Slemko (marcs@ZNEP.COM)
Wed, 08 Oct 1997 17:45:05 -0600

On Wed, 8 Oct 1997, We got Food - Fuel - Ice-cold Beer - and X.509 certificates wrote:

> Scenario:
> It is possible to crash the imapd server in several possible places.
> Due to the lack of handling for the SIGABRT signal and the nature
> of the IMAP protocol in storing folders locally on the server; a core dump
> is produced in the users current directory. This core dump contains the
> password and shadow password files from the system.

It should be noted that this only works on systems that allow a
process that has changed UIDs since the last exec to core dump.

Some, such as FreeBSD (and OpenBSD I would guess, and a dozen
others), don't for exactly this reason. The same thing came
up with ftpd a while back.