Re: better snprintf replacement, anyone?

Manoj Kasichainula (manojk@IO.COM)
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 23:44:03 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Mon, Jul 21, 1997 at 08:05:34AM -0400, Steve "Stevers!" Coile wrote:
> It's still not clear to me why people only suggest snprintf().
> I would imagine that there are only a few cases were a program coulnd't
> pre-determine the length of a string that would be generated by sprintf()
> and malloc() enough memory to contain it all.

Well, you don't necessarily want to malloc all the space you might
need. Otherwise, you might end up being vulnerable to DoS attacks
through users filling up your memory, like the (disputed) qmail DoS
attacks posted to this list.

Manoj Kasichainula - manojk at io dot com -
"I am J. D. Falk, Sysadmin. I own a web-server and a LART." -- Jeff Mercer

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