This paper is an improved version of [7].
&-Prolog is an and-parallel version of Prolog. The &-Prolog extensions to Prolog (basically, the addition of high-level concurrency and communication operators) allow exploitation of parallelism (a parallelizing compiler is provided with the system) and basic forms of concurrent programming. CIAO is a set of libraries built on top of the &-Prolog kernel which allow sophisticated concurrent and distributed programming, constraint solving, support for several computation rules, etc.
Note that in the examples presented the HTML may be slightly simplified, and thus may not be completely standard (however, the examples can be used as is with all popular browsers).
For example, the built-in grammars and databases greatly simplify many typical script-based applications. Note that grammars are much more powerful than regular expressions, often found in other scripting languages, which in general can only provide an approximation to the solution.
It is also possible to provide active modules via a WWW address. However, we find it more straightforward to simply use socket addresses. In any case, this is generally hidden inside the access method and can be thus made transparent to the user.

<herme@fi.upm.es>-< webmaster@clip.dia.fi.upm.es>
Last updated on Mon Mar 31 18:18:15 MET DST 1997