Rémy Haemmerle


I did my Ph.D. under the supervision of François Fages at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France and obtained my degree from Paris Diderot University in January 2008. Since then, I have worked as a researcher at CLIP Lab, where I was first affiliated with the Technical University of Madrid (until March 2014) and later with the IMDEA software Institute.

I am primarily interested in studying the formal properties of logical programming languages with constraints, and more specifically Constraint Handling Rules a high-level rules-based language. In particular I have improved known results about confluence and logical completeness of this language. I am also interesting in compilation and static analysis, as it applies to logical languages.

Aside from theoretical work, I am one of the main maintainer of the Ciao System, a multiparadigm programming language developed at the CLIP Lab. I am also involved in the development of several of the Ciao's standard libraries, such as the Finite Domain Constraint Solver, Constraint Handling Rules, Coinductive Logic Programming, and others.




Rémy Haemmerlé
IMDEA Software Institue
Campus Montegancedo UPM S/N
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid

e-mail: Remy (dot) Haemmerle (at) imdea (dot) org